Caring for Crystals

Message from the creator on how to take care of the Crystals

So, these are my personal preferences as far as wearing, cleansing, and charging crystals. There are many many techniques, I recommend everyone practice whatever technique they are comfortable with. 

For example, cleansing crystals. I prefer to use palo santo (which is a wood) I burn that to cleanse my home, my personal energetic field, and my crystals. I cleanse all of my bracelets in this way. Some people aren’t going to like the smoke, so, you can also put your crystal bracelet in a bowl of salt overnight (discard the salt after). Another highly effective method is to submerge your crystal into a moving body of water, and ocean, a river, keep hold of it and let the water run over it for a few minutes. Some people burn sage- the smell personally gives me a headache, but many people prefer this method. These are all super effective ways to cleanse- or remove any energies (+\-) that have accumulated in the crystal. This brings your crystal back to its neutral state. 

The next step would be to charge your crystal - my preferred method is to place my crystals in the moonlight of the Full moon each month. Ideally, you’d put them in the soil or grass, but if you don’t have access, you can put them in the window seal before you go to sleep. The energy of the Full moon will keep your crystals charged for the whole month. You can also use sunlight, however some crystals will fade with too much direct sun, so I prefer to work with the softer energies of the moon. Either method you’ll want 7+ hours of exposure for maximum benefits. 

From there your crystals are ready to go! You can either enjoy and benefit the innate energies of the crystals, or you can program them with an intention. This is what I talk about in my video..  it takes just moments of concentrated energy to connect with yourself and your intention, crystals in hand. You utilize both the energy of the crystals + self-energy to amplify the energy behind your intentions. 

Your left hand/side is your receiving side, and your right side is your giving side. So for example  a rose quartz bracelet you’d wear on your left side if you’re working on unconditionally loving yourself, to bring that energy in and receive it. And you’d wear in on your right side to shift focus on sending unconditional love into the collective.